Kaufland Bulgaria is “Safety on Shelf”-certified: TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas certifies first retail chain according to its new certification scheme


TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, Greece’s leading audit, inspection and certification organization, has awarded the first “Safety on Shelf” certificate to the Kaufland Bulgaria retail chain. The premium chain of stores of the Schwarz Group – which also includes the Lidl chain of stores – has 63 hypermarkets in Bulgaria.

In particular, the minced meat brands “Brey!” and “Chef Butcher” were audited according to the new “Safety on Shelf” certification scheme of TÜV AUSTRIA, the operational procedures in the stores were checked with the help of the hybrid control system. “Safety on Shelf” requires complete compliance of controlled areas and procedures with defined hygiene and safety standards.

The “Safety on Shelf” certification scheme was developed by TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas. Dimitar Kraev, ATC ET Bulgaria OOD Managing Director, exclusive partner of TÜV AUSTRIA Group in Bulgaria, explained: “Independent external assessment improves quality and safety of processes. The Safety on Shelf certification of Kaufland Bulgaria’s “Brey!” and “Chef Butcher” products is a very good example of a safe food distribution environment.”

Ioannis Kallias, Managing Director of TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas, 100% subsidiary of the independent, Austrian TÜV AUSTRIA Group, emphasizes, “We are very pleased that TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has certified the first retail chain in our neighboring country with the new “Safety on Shelf” certification protocol. We are proud to make an important contribution to the safety level of fresh, unpacked food by developing this innovative certification scheme.”

Sicher und nachvollziehbar: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) hat TÜV AUSTRIA einen Best Practice Leitfaden zur Technischen Dokumentation von KI-Systemen entwickelt.

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Safe and comprehensible: In cooperation with the Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR), TÜV AUSTRIA has developed a best practice guide for the technical documentation of AI systems.

Sicher und nachvollziehbar: In Zusammenarbeit mit der Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR) hat TÜV AUSTRIA einen Best Practice Leitfaden zur Technischen Dokumentation von KI-Systemen entwickelt.
Jecma Eröffnung 2025
Ivan Huang, Managing Director TÜV AUSTRIA China
Hussein Al-Rammah, Charge d affaires a.i. at Embassy of the Republic of lraq (l) & Ivan Huang, Managing Director of TÜV AUSTRIA China

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