A positive view of the future 


Multiple crises, gloomy news and a pessimistic mood characterized the year 2024. Is it even possible to look to the future with confidence in light of this? Absolutely! Without a focus on the positive, on the opportunities that exist even in the crisis, we will not escape the negative spiral. 

Without a belief in a positive future, there will be no investments, neither by companies nor in the private sector – consumption will lag behind and the necessary impetus for the economy will be lacking. 

We can all play an active role in this. John F. Kennedy once said: “Don’t look at what your country can do for you, look at what you can do for your country”. If we manage to get back to this basic attitude, we need not fear for our future. 

In any case, we at TÜV AUSTRIA will continue to invest courageously and hire new employees in 2025 in order to fulfill our mission of sustainably improving safety and quality. 

If we look ahead with a positive outlook and think in terms of opportunities rather than problems, 2025 will also be a success. 

Dr. Stefan Haas

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