The mission of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group is that all employees come home to their families healthy and safe after every working day.

The TÜV AUSTRIA Group is a group of companies where safety is not a topic of discussion but a standard, where

  1. Safety is at the heart of all decisions made
  2. all employees worldwide have the same safety standards in their work and
  3. our employees see themselves as ambassadors for safe behavior, at work, with customers and also at home

Put Safety 1irst!

We are committed to complying with all laws and regulations on occupational safety and environmental protection. We act responsibly in accordance with our own regulations that go beyond the legal requirements.

The following principles apply to all divisions and companies of our group worldwide. In doing so, we stand by our responsibility towards employees, fellow human beings, customers, clients and the environment.

Promoting self-responsibility

We encourage the active participation and personal responsibility of our employees, which, supported by a corporate culture characterized by cohesion, commitment and passion, is a central pillar of our success. We protect the life and health of our employees through safe and healthy working conditions, as well as regular training on safety and social responsibility. In addition to training, we promote their awareness through diverse and targeted communication.

Safe and employee-friendly workplaces

We are convinced that, in principle, all occupational accidents and diseases are preventable. Motivated employees and supervisors support us on our way to “zero” occupational accidents. We treat the protection of our employees and contractors as equally important. When designing workplaces and work processes, we take into account new findings and past experience to make the working day even safer.

Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) Policy: The mission of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group is that all employees come home to their families healthy and safe after every working day. (C) Shutterstock, thodonal88
Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) Policy: The mission of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group is that all employees come home to their families healthy and safe after every working day. (C) Shutterstock, thodonal88

Promoting and demanding sustainability

The TÜV AUSTRIA Group strives to apply sustainable business practices while proactively avoiding harmful effects on the environment. In doing so, we take care to produce as little waste as possible, not to waste resources, and to implement other measures for sustainability, such as generating electricity using photovoltaic systems.

Open dialogue and communication

The TÜV AUSTRIA Group promotes an open corporate culture and provides employees with various channels to point out unsafe, stressful conditions.

Preventive measures and continuous improvement

We maintain and promote the physical and mental health of our employees. To protect our employees and our environment, we rely on comprehensive preventive measures and sustainable energy concepts. At all our sites, we provide comprehensive and effective emergency plans and emergency supplies for our employees and visitors.

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