Solution: Training in the maritime sector

Solution: Training in the maritime sector


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Training in the maritime sector

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"The training programme includes specific courses in the maritime sector. The training programme is offered in Turkish."

Training in the maritime sector

The “TÜV AUSTRIA Marine Academy” was founded by combining the 150 years of knowledge and experience of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group in the areas of quality, personnel development and management systems with the experience and services of TÜV AUSTRIA Marine in the maritime sector. The Academy offers specific training courses for the maritime sector.

Training programme in the maritime sector:

The training programme is aimed at the following groups of people, among others:

  • Owners and operators of charter boats
  • Marinas
  • Boat owners
  • Employees in the sector and those wishing to enter the sector

Target group of the training

Our training courses are aimed at the above-mentioned employees in the sector: marina managers, captains, hostesses, mariner, kitchen staff, lift operators, accountants, harbour technicians/boatyard personnel, front office, security staff and those wishing to enter the industry. The content of our programmes is tailored to your company and your requirements.

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