Solution: MTS3000 – Restan: Measurement of residual stress

Solution: MTS3000 – Restan: Measurement of residual stress

SINT Technology S.r.l. TÜV AUSTRIA Group

Region: TÜV AUSTRIA | Italy

Via delle Calandre 63 50041 Calenzano Italien

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MTS3000 – Restan: Measurement of residual stress

"MTS3000: Restan System by SINT Technology-TÜV AUSTRIA Group: Your automatic measurement chain for hole-drilling residual stress measurements."

The automatic system for the measurement of residual stresses, MTS3000-Restan (acronym of Residual Stress Analyzer), patented, produced and developed by SINT Technology, allows full but simple residual stress testing by the hole-drilling strain gauge method.

The tests can be carried out in accordance with the ASTM E837 standard for uniform and non-uniform stress distributions. With a suitable acquisition strategy (fine hole-drilling) and an appropriate analysis method (Integral, Incremental or Influence Functions), it is also possible to back-calculate the residual stress variation with depth even very close to the surface.

The MTS3000 – Restan System is an automatic measurement chain for hole-drilling residual stress measurements: the full control of the device during the drilling and the acquisition process guarantees high accuracy of the results and reduction of the measurement uncertainly connected with the measurements.

The MTS3000-Restan system is a complete and customizable solution for any hole-drilling residual stress measurement: thanks to various configurations, it can be used in several testing conditions (laboratory or field measurements) and with different materials including standard metals (Steel and Aluminium), advanced metal alloys (Nickel Alloys, Titanium) and also polymeric and composites materials.

All these testing configurations can be obtained simply changing the drilling device and its dedicated microscope. A rich catalogue of accessories and spare parts allows a complete selection for any testing condition.

The main key-features of the MTS3000-Restan system are:
  • High-speed drilling technology with compressed air turbine or electric motor
  • Straightforward, automatic and fast to use
  • Test, strain acquisition and control of the drilling process automatically executed through a dedicated software
  • Automatic determination of the initial drilling point by electric contact
  • Suitable for both laboratory and on field applications
  • Evaluation of residual stresses in depth
  • Possibility to choose among different data processing and analysis methods (ASTM E837-20, Integral, Incremental and Influence Functions Method)
  • Measurement of the actual hole diameter and eccentricity by manual and automatic process
  • Possibility to measure near corners and walls
  • Choice among a wide database of strain gauge rosettes, accessories and spare parts

For additional technical information you can visit the dedicated website or the SINT Technology YouTube channel | MTS3000 – Restan Brochure

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