SINT Technology: Residual stress analysis in mechanical components – with state-of-the-art measurement technology


Residual (or internal) stresses are present in all the mechanical components, and are mainly caused by the past “history” of the material: for example, fabrication or machining process, welding, heat treatment and non-uniform heating or cooling. These stresses naturally add to the ones induced by applied loads, and can strongly reduce the fatigue life of our components. In particular, this problem is crucial for some typical applications:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Energy
  • Oil & Gas

It’s therefore very important to quantify the level of residual stresses. For this reason, there are several measuring techniques: these different approaches mainly use mechanical or diffractive methods, and can be divided in non-destructive, semi/micro-destructive or totally destructive.
The laboratory of SINT Technology has a wide experience in residual stress analysis, and is able to make tests by the following methods:

  • Hole-drilling (semi/micro-destructive)
  • Ring-coring (semi-destructive)
  • X-ray diffraction (non-destructive)
  • Sectioning, slitting and layering (destructive)

For the hole-drilling technique, SINT Technology is an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test lab according to the ASTM E837 standard. The company also produces the MTS3000, fully automatic machine for measuring residual stresses by hole-drilling. More information:

(f.l.t.r.): Antonio Ferraro (COO TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA), Alessio Benincasa (SINT Technology), Luca Santucci (SINT Technology), Luca De Marchi (UNIBO), Camilla Bahia Larocca (UNIBO), Denis Bogomolov (UNIBO), Alessandro Marzani (UNIBO), Antonio Palermo (UNIBO), Federica Zonzini (UNIBO), Crescenzo Di Fratta (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA), Mohammad Abdullah Siddiqui (UNIBO), Gerald Lackner (TÜV AUSTRIA), Armin Proyer (TÜV AUSTRIA), Sina Zolfagharysaravi (UNIBO), Mikhail Prokofyev (TÜV AUSTRIA) und Enrico Boccini (TÜV AUSTRIA)

Research and development cooperation

TÜV AUSTRIA and University of Bologna
Strong partnership for Structural Health Monitoring

TÜV AUSTRIA is expanding its research and development cooperation with the University of Bologna by supporting three PhD projects.

Gianni Esposito_Crescenzo die Fratta_c_TÜV AUSTRIA


TÜV AUSTRIA acquires NTI-Italia S.r.l.
Portfolio expansion in Italy

The company has established itself successfully on the Italian market, especially in the field of periodic inspection of work equipment.

Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group: Former QCB owners Renato Rossi and Nicoletta Menegon (l, r) with TÜV AUSTRIA Italia general manager Crescenzo Di Fratta (center) (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Group

Expansion in Italy

Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group

Accredited and internationally established Italian certification company adds key environmental and security certification competencies to leading testing, inspection and certification organisation.

(f.l.t.r.): Antonio Ferraro (COO TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA), Alessio Benincasa (SINT Technology), Luca Santucci (SINT Technology), Luca De Marchi (UNIBO), Camilla Bahia Larocca (UNIBO), Denis Bogomolov (UNIBO), Alessandro Marzani (UNIBO), Antonio Palermo (UNIBO), Federica Zonzini (UNIBO), Crescenzo Di Fratta (CEO TÜV AUSTRIA ITALIA), Mohammad Abdullah Siddiqui (UNIBO), Gerald Lackner (TÜV AUSTRIA), Armin Proyer (TÜV AUSTRIA), Sina Zolfagharysaravi (UNIBO), Mikhail Prokofyev (TÜV AUSTRIA) und Enrico Boccini (TÜV AUSTRIA)
Binding materials of long-term success: TÜV AUSTRIA Italia acquires full shares in ICEPI Leading Italian testing, inspection and certification company reaches key synergy milestone for industrial and infrastructure markets.
Gianni Esposito_Crescenzo die Fratta_c_TÜV AUSTRIA
Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group: Former QCB owners Renato Rossi and Nicoletta Menegon (l, r) with TÜV AUSTRIA Italia general manager Crescenzo Di Fratta (center) (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Group

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