TÜV AUSTRIA Group acquires Setinsp in Portugal


Austria’s leading Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) company expands its inspection and monitoring solutions portfolio. With the acquisition of the Portuguese service provider Setinsp – Inspecções Técnicas, specialists in gas inspections, TÜV AUSTRIA strengthens its market position on the Iberian Peninsula.

The internationally active group has been a sought-after partner for TIC services in Spain and Portugal for several years. Citing significant synergy potential, TÜV AUSTRIA Iberia and Setinsp’s Managing Director, Pedro Pimenta, explains the further expansion move in this region: “With the acquisition of Setinsp, we want to create additional market opportunities and put the local market on a broader footing, especially in the field of inspection and monitoring. In addition, being part of the internationally well-positioned TÜV AUSTRIA Group opens up new possibilities for looking beyond the regional horizon.”

Pedro Pimenta adds: “We are always focused on supporting the business of our B2B and B2C customers and consistently complementing our local portfolio. Therefore, as a member of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group, we will seize the opportunity for new business opportunities and take advantage of the close cooperation with other group members in order to be a strong associate for our business partners.”

Active in the gas sector

Setinsp – Inspeções Técnicas Lda., was founded in November 2004 and is based in Setúbal. It is a class A inspection authority accredited by the IPAC for the fields of pressure equipment, storage facilities and filling stations for liquid fuels derived from petroleum, gas networks and systems as well as for the assessment of gas projects. The company is currently expanding its activities throughout the entire country on account of its continuing growth and has become a reference in the field of technical inspections. It has established itself as a full-range supplier for gas projects and enjoys an excellent reputation on the domestic market. The company is a service provider in the field of inspection and regular monitoring of gas distribution networks as well as the assessment of large gas projects. .

Setinsp’s former managing directors, Carlos Ferreira and João Madeira, are taking on new responsibilities and will contribute their expertise in the future as Commercial Manager and Technical Coordinator for the gas business area.

Global Player

TÜV AUSTRIA recently acquired a controlling interest in another company on the Iberian Peninsula: Global Inspection Services (GIS), providing testing, inspection, assessment and certification services in the oil & gas, power generation, water, mining and pressure equipment sectors. TÜV AUSTRIA Global Inspection Services also maintains a technical office for metallurgy and welding, coating and linings, and NDT.

TÜV AUSTRIA in Portugal | Setinsp – Inspecções Técnicas Lda | Rua José de Barros e Vasconcelos, Nº 22-A 2910-560 Setúbal | +351 265 236 185 | geral@setinsp.pt

Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group: Former QCB owners Renato Rossi and Nicoletta Menegon (l, r) with TÜV AUSTRIA Italia general manager Crescenzo Di Fratta (center) (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Group

Expansion in Italy

Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group

Accredited and internationally established Italian certification company adds key environmental and security certification competencies to leading testing, inspection and certification organisation.

Dr. Stefan Haas, TÜV AUSTRIA CEO (c) Saskia Jonasch


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TÜV AUSTRIA Data Intelligence: Massive expansion of data and AI expertise - f.l.t.r. GM Dr. Thomas Ortner, Dr. Irene Ortner, Head of Statistical Learning, TÜV AUSTRIA Data Intelligence, Detlev Henze, Executive Business Director Digital Services, GM DI Alexander Zeppelzauer, GM DI Martin Hofstädtner, MBA, TÜV AUSTRIA Data Intelligence, Dr. Reinhard Preiss, TÜV AUSTRIA Executive Business Director Industry & Energy (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Andreas Amsüss


TÜV AUSTRIA DATA INTELLIGENCE GMBH: Massive expansion of data and AI expertise
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TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is Austria's best seminar provider in the annual INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN ranking! F.l.t.r.: Thomas Rochowansky, MBA, Team Leader Training Services TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, Mag. (FH) Christian Bayer, General Manager TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, Corinna Wölfer, BSc, Team Leader, Personnel and Engineer Certification (C) TÜV AUSTRIA


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Prof. Dr. Adam Freiherr von Burg, founding president of today's TÜV AUSTRIA Group, celebrates his 225th birthda. 1853 (C) Balfore Archive Images / Alamy Stock Foto

Founding president of today’s TÜV AUSTRIA Group celebrates his 225th birthday

Adam von Burg – Safety Pioneer and Founder of TÜV AUSTRIA

On January 28, 2022, Prof. Dr. Adam Freiherr von Burg, founding president of today’s TÜV AUSTRIA Group, celebrates his 225th birthday.

PersZert_Lebensmittelsicherheitsmanager | shutterstock_1500798773_c_Nelli Syrotynska


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Italian QCB Quality Certification Bureau joins TÜV AUSTRIA Group: Former QCB owners Renato Rossi and Nicoletta Menegon (l, r) with TÜV AUSTRIA Italia general manager Crescenzo Di Fratta (center) (C) TÜV AUSTRIA Group
Dr. Stefan Haas, TÜV AUSTRIA CEO (c) Saskia Jonasch
TÜV AUSTRIA Data Intelligence: Massive expansion of data and AI expertise - f.l.t.r. GM Dr. Thomas Ortner, Dr. Irene Ortner, Head of Statistical Learning, TÜV AUSTRIA Data Intelligence, Detlev Henze, Executive Business Director Digital Services, GM DI Alexander Zeppelzauer, GM DI Martin Hofstädtner, MBA, TÜV AUSTRIA Data Intelligence, Dr. Reinhard Preiss, TÜV AUSTRIA Executive Business Director Industry & Energy (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Andreas Amsüss
TÜV AUSTRIA Academy is Austria's best seminar provider in the annual INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN ranking! F.l.t.r.: Thomas Rochowansky, MBA, Team Leader Training Services TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, Mag. (FH) Christian Bayer, General Manager TÜV AUSTRIA Academy, Corinna Wölfer, BSc, Team Leader, Personnel and Engineer Certification (C) TÜV AUSTRIA
Prof. Dr. Adam Freiherr von Burg, founding president of today's TÜV AUSTRIA Group, celebrates his 225th birthda. 1853 (C) Balfore Archive Images / Alamy Stock Foto
PersZert_Lebensmittelsicherheitsmanager | shutterstock_1500798773_c_Nelli Syrotynska

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