Solution: Battery simulation and grid simulation

Solution: Battery simulation and grid simulation


Deutschstraße 10 1230 Wien

Battery simulation and grid simulation

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"In grid simulation and battery simulation, products can be tested and optimized in a wide range of grid conditions and load cases."

Battery simulation and grid simulation

The energy transition is bringing ever further electrification of products. In this context, compliance with specifications in a common power grid is of central importance. With the help of grid and battery simulators, products can be tested and optimized in a wide range of grid conditions and load cases.

The application areas of these simulations are wide-ranging and extend from railway and aviation to mobility or e-vehicles incl. charging infrastructure to electromagnetic compatibility or electrical safety. These simulations are also used in drive technology, but also for photovoltaics, heat pumps and in environmental simulation.

Grid simulation – performance data (AC voltage sources)

TÜV AUSTRIA can perform simulations with AC voltage in the following extent:

  • 8xRegatron ACS (50kVA each), i.e. up to 400kVA;
  • 4-quadrant network simulation, divisible into 2 blocks (2x200kVA).
  • Voltage ranges from 0 – 1000 Vac,
  • Frequency range 16-800Hz (16Hz railroad grid, 50Hz power grid Europe, 60Hz power grid USA/Canada, 400hz & 800Hz Aviation),
  • Continuous current 576A (max. 1.152A).

Battery simulation – performance data (DC voltage sources)

TÜV AUSTRIA can perform simulations with DC voltage in the following extent:

  • 7x Regatron G5 (54kW each), i.e. 378kW,
  • divisible into 2 blocks (216kW + 162kW);
  • Voltage range 0 – 1.500Vdc,
  • Current 756A.

Application areas of battery simulation and grid simulation

These voltage sources can be used by our experts from TÜV AUSTRIA in different laboratory areas:

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