Solution: Assessments – Cranes, lifting devices, gates

Solution: Assessments – Cranes, lifting devices, gates


Deutschstraße 10 1230 Wien

Assessments - Cranes, lifting devices, gates

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"TÜV AUSTRIA offers appraisals for conversions, extensions, damage and accidents in the field of cranes, lifting devices and gates."

Assessments – Cranes, lifting devices, gates

As a competent, independent and practice-oriented service provider, we offer our services to planners and manufacturers, installation companies, as well as owners and users of equipment for lifting and transporting loads and persons.

Especially after the occurrence of damage, an assessment is of great importance in order to precisely determine the cause of the damage and to learn lessons for the future.

TÜV AUSTRIA has the appropriate examination methods, testing and analysis equipment as well as a great deal of experience in this field and is your reliable partner for appraisals of conversions, extensions, damage and accidents.

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