Solution: Radiographic testing – RT

Solution: Radiographic testing – RT


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Radiographic testing - RT

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"Radiographic testing (RT) detects differences in density between the base material and the defect."

Radiographic testing RT

Radiographic testing is suitable for detecting volumetric imperfections. The defect can be detected by differences in density between the base material and the defect. Fine cracks can also be detected at a suitable angle of incidence and with a suitable radiation source.

Area of application

Radiographic testing (RT) is suitable for detecting volumetric internal and external defects. If there are differences in density between the defect and the base material, the incompleteness can be detected. Contrast and resolution influence the detection of such details. The contrast depends on the thickness of the material, the radiation source, the scattered radiation as well as the resolving power of the X-ray film.

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